From my childhood I was deeply in love with rains...
I loved the smell of the earth when rain embraces her for first time...
I loved the goose bumps given by the spraying rain...
I loved to find reasons to allow rain to do a hip hop on my head...
I had so far enjoyed only the romantic side of rains!!.
But this week I saw her as a roaring lioness ;
tearing everything apart in her way.
So far I have seen her with fondness.
Now I see her with fear in my eyes...
Even as the sky is covered with Black clouds ;
mirroring the doubts in my heart...
I can see a rainbow rising across the horizon of chennai...
At the end of which is a treasure of kindness and
an ocean of love and humanity...
***dedicated to all brave hearts sweating it out in rescue missions across chennai.
***especially dedicated to the unknown angel, the man who braved the waters and provided drinking water for my baby and us yesterday.
-Dec 3,2015
But this week I saw her as a roaring lioness ;
tearing everything apart in her way.
So far I have seen her with fondness.
Now I see her with fear in my eyes...
Even as the sky is covered with Black clouds ;
mirroring the doubts in my heart...
I can see a rainbow rising across the horizon of chennai...
At the end of which is a treasure of kindness and
an ocean of love and humanity...
***dedicated to all brave hearts sweating it out in rescue missions across chennai.
***especially dedicated to the unknown angel, the man who braved the waters and provided drinking water for my baby and us yesterday.
-Dec 3,2015