Saturday, December 26, 2015

Rainbow of humanity

From my childhood I was deeply in love with rains...
I loved the smell of the earth when rain embraces her for first time...
I loved the goose bumps given by the spraying rain...
I loved to find reasons to allow rain to do a hip hop on my head...

I had so far enjoyed only the romantic side of rains!!.
But this week I saw her as a roaring lioness ;
tearing everything apart in her way.
So far I have seen her with fondness.
Now I see her with fear in my eyes...

Even as the sky is covered with Black clouds ;
mirroring the doubts in my heart...

I can see a rainbow rising across the horizon of chennai...
At the end of which is a treasure of kindness and
an ocean of love and humanity...

***dedicated to all brave hearts sweating it out in rescue missions across chennai.
***especially dedicated to the unknown angel, the man who braved the waters and provided drinking water for my baby and us yesterday.

-Dec 3,2015

Friday, July 24, 2015

Tent Makers - The Market Place Missionaries !!!!

‘Not by might nor by power, but by my Spirit,’ says the Lord Almighty. -Zechariah 4:6 

Year - AD 100-200
Location - Rome

A handful of People who are followers of Christ have gathered for worship in a secret gathering place called 'catacombs', underneath majestic buildings of great Roman Empire. They have gathered secretly as they can't openly worship or practice their faith in Christ without risking their lives. 

Who would have ever thought this tiny group of People would bring the mighty Roman Empire to its knees? These prayerful, sacrificial Christians with their minds set on their savior Jesus Christ & his second coming transformed mighty Roman Empire. 

Year - AD 2000's
Location-corporate buildings of India

Beneath the mammoth infrastructure of IT giants, escaping the ever prying eyes of surveillance cams a group of dedicated Christians pour into the basements, car parking areas, stair ways, and terraces for time of prayer and Fellowship. 

The Real Meaning of success 

They don't believe in the 5 point success formula propagated by the world, namely a great wife,2 good children, a 3 BHK house, 4 Wheeler & 5 figure salary. For them success is not about a secure and prosperous life on earth. Rather, Success is not calculated in worldly terms. For them joy is not in seeing their salaries hiking to astronomical heights. Their joy is in seeing lives transforming through power of Holy Spirit. Their happiness lies in sharing the gospel and healing wounded hearts. Their hearts and minds are set on Christ Jesus and the eternal life. 

Tentmakers - the market place missionaries

Welcome to the world of TentMakers. The market place missionaries just like Apostle Paul in Holy Bible. They work not for earning money or power or position. But to share, the good news and glorious faith in Christ to their colleagues. To lead a life that reflects Christ to everyone around, breaking all boundaries of caste, race, religion, color with love of Christ. Their efforts focused on building the Church of Jesus Christ. 

The countless number of first fruits (first Christians in their family/community/tribe/place) is the result of these TentMakers. From Brahmins in agraharams to the muslims from their mohallas. From tamilians to punjabis, malayalees to marathis people from all tribes and tongues are being transformed by love of Christ displayed through these TenteMakers. 

Rise of the Nameless, Faceless army of God God is raising an army. 

A nameless, faceless army, led not by men but by Spirit of God. To bring the lost sheep back to the shepherd. This army has weapons that capture hearts and souls, trained by God to encourage and build lives.Their protection under the Sovereign Lord.

 This is not an army that keeps People with them by striking them with fear.
 But which makes people surrender willingly bound by the love of Christ.
 This is not an army that fights humans. 
But fights against the powers and dominions of darkness. 

This army of God will definitely capture this nation in a revolution washed by blood, 
not of the humans but of the blood of the lamb slain at the cross, Our Precious Lord Jesus Christ. 

A Final question Do you want to join the countless millions who just go through the cycle of working, marrying, birthing, marrying off and dying. 
Do you want to be a TentMaker for Christ and his Church and change the course of history? 
Choice is yours.

People that do know their God shall be strong, and do great exploits.
-Daniel 11:32 


      "If Christ has not been raised, your faith is worthless; you are still in your sins"
-1 Corinthians 15:17

There have been many in history who claimed to be God. 
Everyone invariably met their match in death finally. 
Except Jesus Christ !!!. 

The Resurrection sets Christianity apart. No other religious figure has ever broken the power of death and conquered sin. While all the religious heads and so called Gods were defeated by death. Jesus alone defeated death and resurrected back to life. 

Resurrection- It is history's most significant event. 

The Resurrection proved and confirmed that Christ was divine. Jesus proved His deity by fulfilling the prophecies of His death and by His return from the grave. The Bible declares that by being raised from the dead Christ was proved to be the mighty Son of God, with the holy nature of God Himself -Romans 1:4.

The Resurrection confirmed Christ's power to forgive sin. Hence ultimately confirming his divinity. The Bible says, "If Christ has not been raised, your faith is worthless; you are still in your sins"  -1 Corinthians 15:17. 

By rising from the dead, Jesus proved His authority and power to break the bondage of sin and to give forgiveness and eternal life to all who accept His gift of salvation. The Resurrection revealed Christ's victory over death. The Bible records, Christ rose from the dead and will never die again. Death no longer has any power over him -Romans 6:9.
When Jesus Christ arose, the power of sin and death was forever shattered. 

In a world where there are lots of opinion about reaching heaven. How you can be sure which path is right?. when you consider eternity how you can decide which teaching to follow. We have to follow one who has fulfilled his claims. 

Jesus overcame death and resurrected back to life. Hence Jesus and Jesus alone holds the right to show us the life after death. No one in the history of mankind had gone to realm of death and returned alive forever. We should hold onto teaching of Jesus alone for eternity. 

Resurrection of Jesus also points to another great upcoming event in world. 

Second coming of Jesus Christ !!. 

When all who were dead in Christ will resurrect and those alive will attain rapture. All who are dead and alive shall be judged by Jesus Christ. Let's join along with the host of witness that surrounds us. Who in spite of every adversity through past twenty centuries sing to the eternal king.

He is risen !! 
He is risen indeed !!!. 

Thursday, January 15, 2015


Truly I tell you, anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will Never enter it."  - Mark-10:15

Faith like a child

Jesus demanded a child like faith from his disciples to inherit kingdom of God. Children are the epitome of faith. Who else can kiss away the pain & smile, just after falling down. But that's the kind of faith that is the recipe for obtaining miracles from God.

Let's see what happened when two new believers in china decided to believe God with a child like faith. It’s a real life testimony recorded and verified by Harvest Asia missions.

The mustard seed of faith

During 1990's two sisters in china came to faith in Christ through a radio broadcast. A Hong Kong Pastor handed a Bible to them. And when they read it they wanted to share gospel. Later they came to know about need of evangelists in Hainan Island. They felt strongly in heart that God is calling them.
To go to this place and share gospel.

They had much against them.
They were less educated.
They were poor.
They were women.
They were in rural china.
The people over there were vicious.
But they had faith and a huge dose of it. They went to Hainan Island. For two years there was no news about them. Then one day they came back to their Pastor.

Faith that moves God

Pastor asked about their work. After long set of apologies they said "we couldn't do much.
The People were against us. They were threatening us. We did only little.
We could plant only 30 churches."
The Pastor and the visiting American pastoral delegation were taken aback by their faith. With tears in eyes they asked "how many believers are there in your church?". With another round of apologies they told "we couldn't save many. Smallest church has 220 and biggest has only 4900 People".

The Secret of answered prayer

Astonished the pastors asked them how they did it. Two sisters told "we did nothing". Pastors again asked "you were able to lead so many people to faith. But you say we did nothing. How is it possible?.
What is your secret?".
The two sisters said "yes we did nothing. We just prayed. Then Holy Spirit will show us what to do.
We will do it. Then we will pray again. And will do what Holy Spirit shows us again".
What an amazing faith!!. They had faith enough to put their logic at back seat. And trust and obey the voice of Holy Spirit. The result is the salvation of thousands of souls in the Hainan Island in china.

The Challenge

We ask God for great things, mighty revivals.


How many times we are ready to obey the voice of Holy Spirit with a child like faith?.
Even if the advise of Holy Spirit defies natural logic.
Are you ready to have a child like faith in Christ Jesus?.
Then greater things are in store from your heavenly father.

Power of a God given Vision

The Holy Bible says that the revelation and visions given by Lord will be fulfilled. 
Though it may delay it will happen at the appointed time of the Lord.
Habakkuk 2:2-3 

Then the Lord replied: “Write down the revelation and make it plain on tablets so that a herald may run with it.For the revelation awaits an appointed time; it speaks of the end and will not prove false.
Though it linger, wait for it;it will certainly come and will not delay.

Starting from Genesis till revelation, Holy Bible is full of examples of God speaking to humans 
through dreams, visions and revelations.

The God of visions

God almighty is searching for humans who are faithful & prayerful to receive and fulfill the desires of heavenly father; through dreams, visions and revelations. In the end times Lord promised to pour out his Spirit on all people.
And Lord gives dreams and visions.

Joel 2:28
“And afterward, I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your old men will dream dreams, your young men will see visions.
The thrilling short history shared below shows how God used a eight year old boy who believed in the God given vision. And how plan of God for humanity (through Christ Jesus) is getting fulfilled. Through one who believed in God given vision.

The vision that lingers

In the world war 2 , the allied fighter planes were bombing across Prussia(province of Germany).
He was then a child, who along with his mother ran across a frozen sea along with thousands to escape death. Separated from father, bombs killing people all across. He developed a compassion and love for people. 
With divine protection he escaped along with his mother and was reunited with his father.
At the age of eight he received baptism of Holy Spirit in the church pastored by His father.
A woman prophesied over him and he saw the vision of hundreds of black people following a white man.           
And it was to be him.

The vision that breaks through obstacles

Later when he was a young man God spoke to in a vision that Africa shall be washed by blood of Christ and be saved. He believed it with all of his heart and went to Africa as a young missionary. Started missionary work in mountain kingdom of Lesotho, steeped in idolatry and witch craft.
His faith was big enough to accommodate an entire continent in the plan of God.


His mission agency could not understand his vision.
His church did not have enough faith.
He built the worlds biggest tent for gospel meetings only to find it ripped apart by storm.
Fellow preachers were against him.
Governments banned his entry to nations.
Witch doctors tried all their evil power against him.
Riots erupted against his meetings .
Islamic terrorists wanted him dead.
Every thing was against him but he still clung to the God given vision with the faith of a child.

Plundering hell ,Populating heaven

Nothing, absolutely no obstacle could erase the vision given by the Lord. That Africa shall be washed by the blood of Christ and shall be saved. He went to disco club and preached gospel when he could not find youngsters in church.
He went to markets in search of souls. God used him to break through the racial division of South Africa to save the souls. He went to places where gospel was never heard nor welcomed. Such was the power of the vision given by the Lord to him.

That child had grown old to be 74 years. He has seen African Christian population grow from 10% to 40% of the total population of the continent in last half a century. He has seen many nations becoming Christian majority.                  
He has seen millions saved, accepting Christ in a single crusade.
More than 50 million People came to the salvation of Christ Jesus through his crusades.
He is the greatest ever evangelist in the history of Christianity, probably behind Apostle Paul alone.
His name is Reinhard Bonnke !!!.

Hold onto God given vision till completion

Holy Bible says don't despise the small beginnings.                                                                                                  
Remember all these started when Reinhard Bonnke was an eight year old child.                                                          
Who believed the God given vision with all of his heart that it will come to completion.

Do you have a God given vision?.                                                                                                                                        
Never give up on the God given vision.
God shall fulfill the vision at his appointed time.                                                                                                                       
If not you, He shall appoint someone else who is willing to fulfill HIS vision and mission.

Hold onto God given vision & never give up !!!.
If you believe you shall see the glory of God !!!.


Deuteronomy 31:6
Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the Lord your God goes with you; He will never leave you nor forsake you.”

Many times in our lives we become afraid. May be afraid of diseases, afraid of circumstances, afraid of people,  afraid of failure. Fear paralyzes humans. Sometimes people become so filled with fear they are even unable to pray. Fear is a great tool in the hands of devil.

Many times people feel choked by worries that they are unable to sense the presence of God. Word of God shows how God helps his children to counter fear in our lives. 
God assures us of his presence as an antidote to fear.

Never leaving nor forsaking father

There is a wonderful Red Indian story which can help us understand this. Red Indians or the native Americans have a tradition for the coming of age for their young men. When a young man reached adult hood he will be sent to jungle. for a whole night he has to be alone blind folded. when morning comes he declared a adult man.

When they go to jungle their father accompanies them. Then his father will find a clearing in middle of jungle and blind fold him and leave there. Once they sit there blind folded and start hearing the voice of the animals. His heart will be filled with fear. The fear of unknown might capture his heart. Imaginary disasters might play like a video before his eyes. He might be praying for this grueling time to end.

Eagerly waiting to see the first rays of sun light. It might be the most painful night he might have ever encountered. He might wish if his father stayed back. He might shout out loud asking for help. But only absolute silence accompanies him. Filled with worries and fear he will sleep off.
When first rays of sun light hits his eyes. He will remove his bound fold with absolute relief.   And great joy to have survived the worst ever event in his life. And his eyes will fall directly on his father who was sitting opposite to him. Silently keeping watch over his son all through the night. keeping him safe from all dangers.

Some times when we go through worries we might feel like God is silent. His presence is no more with us. But be sure like the Red Indian Dad who watches over his son all through night.
God is watching over you.

If God had promised he will never leave us nor forsake us. Then his hand will hold ours. Even when we feel God is not holding our hands. We just need to trust his promises.                                       Holy Bible says All HIS promises are yes and amen in Christ Jesus.
The protector of Israel neither sleeps nor slumbers.

The Story of Eagle

To illustrate this better lets see how an Eagle teaches its children to fly.Eagles usually build their nest , high on top of cliff. Once their children are old enough to fly ,the mother eagle will start pushing and prodding its baby eagle to fly. Then it will start shaking the nest in which baby eagle is sitting. The baby eagle out of fear will let out loud cries. But the eagle won't stop shaking the nest. Finally the mother eagle will push its baby down the cliff.
The baby eagle might think its the end of my life while falling down. It will think that my life is growing to have crashing end in the cliff. But suddenly the Mother eagle will fly down and take the baby eagle on its wings. And take it back to nest. The mother eagle will repeat this often.

After some time the baby eagle while in air will start swinging its little wings. It might be able to fly a while and will fall down. Only to be caught upon the wings of eagle. Knowing that its mother is ready to catch out before it falls. The baby eagle now eagerly starts flying. And after a period it will be able to fly on its own. Reaching for the skies flying above the clouds.

Its the same with humans. Sometimes God shakes our foundations only to make us realize and fulfill our unique calling. And like the mother eagle God will be there present with us. Making sure we are crash landing and destroying our life. Rather we reach for heavens with the renewed strength.
The one who promised us is faithful. For his promises are all yes and amen in Christ Jesus.     
And if he promised that he will never leave not forsake.
He will surely be with us to the end of ages.
And if God be with us, who can be against us.

And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age  
-Matthew 28:20