An open letter written to my friends on may 5,2013.
Hi All,
> This May 5th,I will complete 8th year of my walk with Jesus.looking back I am glad and happy that God saved was U_turn from being a skeptic to being a believer of Jesus Christ.
> I am convinced by Holy Spirit that I need to change in one area of my life(many infact). Off late I started becoming negative, may be due to the constant exposure I was having to evil in many believers lives.Due to inconsistent lives that I have seen among those who call themselves professing Christians.Those who were using word for establishing their stand point and validating their evil deeds.spirituality as a cover for lust, back stabbing, compromising on standards and giving up Jesus for wealth.the evil that I was hearing during counseling sessions.
> > I had a list that stretched endlessly like national highway.seldom I realized and seldom my eyes were opened to the preacher's trap of self righteousness that I was treading.thinking that all around me was evil and I am last man standing for God.
> > God is very much gracious to me and he slowly opened my spiritual eyes to see what is happening.Thank God.
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> > Holy Spirit was asking me how many times did peter deny me?. I said "three".
> HS: how many of my disciples were there during my crucifixion?.
I answered "one".
> HS : where are the others?.
> me : "Lord they ran away".
> HS: how was Jacob and John?.
Me : "they were angry birds".
> HS: what about Simon?.
> Me : "he was a terrorist".
> HS: where were my chosen disciples after my crucifixion?.
me : "they went back to their fishing profession".
> HS: what about judas?.
> Me: "Lord your finance minister was corrupt and betrayed you "
HS: what about Thomas?.
> Me: "Lord he was Professional sceptic".
> HS: What about man after my own heart?.
> Me: "Lord,he had a scandal, he was caught in adultery".
> HS: what about my friend, Abraham?.
> Me : "Lord, his impatience gave birth to terrorism".
> HS: what about Jacob?.
> Me: "Lord he was a deceiver".
HS: what about Moses?.
> Me: "Lord he had a short fuse".
HS: what about the one termed "rock"?.
> Me: "he was an oxymoron.unstable, unpredictable, impulsive, exhibited greatest revelation and hypocrisy by finally denied you thrice.peter was anything but the rock".
> HS: suppose if I gave up on these people. after getting fed up with their actions like you.what would have happened?..
> Me: "Lord none of the early church fathers would be there.infact Half of old testament would be missing if you purged all of them".
> > Then it dawned on me like the final solution of a sudoku.Jesus was surrounded by sin but untouched by it.he loved the sinners but hate the sin.Jesus always gave a new chance for the sinners.he never gave up on then....Jesus saw them as people whom they will become rather than who they are.
> ... Oh God what a wretched self righteous man am I ?.I was seeing people as who they are not who they can be.
> >>>I need to see people through eyes of God as who they will become.>>>
> when I came to faith I was doing that.somewhere down the line I gradually lost it out.
> >> I need to see people through the eyes of Jesus.that means I need to go back to the Peters with the Thomas and make sure his doubt is dead.if my Jesus did I also will do.
> > Speak about the good in and encourage them to be who good wants them to be.never talk down on them.Jesus was the only sinless human, son of man he alone can judge anyone for their sins.
> >>>I am a sinner I can't play God and judge people.
> > So as my 8th spiritual birthday resolution I decide to tame my tongue and think positive,speak positive and be positive.God is love and the ultimate love was shown on cross of Calvary.I will do the till death.
> >
> > Lord let me catch the love endemic and let me spread this love without ceasing.
> So My dear ones, if you find me being -ve or talking -ve.make me speak positive about that situation, speak blessings to people.even if i am warning or scolding or fretting for legitimate reason,
> ->Don't allow me to leave the place before praying for those people to become the person whom God wants them to be.
> -> also don't allow me to leave the place without telling some good qualities of them or good deeds done by them.
> -> don't allow me to leave the place without confessing that all negative situation will change and God is in control totally.
> Let my words be used only for building kingdom of God .
> May God bless you all...
In Christ,
Yours truly :)